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Deploying Commercial Vantage with Intune

For those who are migrating from Configuration Manager to Intune, you may find the need to deploy Commercial Vantage to your devices from Intune. Commercial Vantage consists of a UWP app plus other services and components. An enterprise package with deployment guide and ADMX templates is available to assist deploying this solution. Download the latest version of Commercial Vantage with Deployment Guide here.

Preparing the Win32 App

Once the zip has been downloaded and extracted, use the Content Prep Tool to convert to an .intunewin format. There is already a provided batch file that handles the installation of all dependencies, certs, and .msix bundle so this will be used as the setup file. A sample command would be:

IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c "C:\IntuneWin\LenovoCommercialVantage_10.2010.11.0_v1" -s "setup-commercial-vantage.bat" -o "C:\IntuneWin\output" -q

Create package

Creating the Win32 App

Login to the MEM admin center and add a new Windows app (Win32). Select the new App package file created above, which should be named setup-commercial-vantage.intunewin and click OK.

Fill out the necessary fields in the App information section and click Review + save

Application information

In the Edit application section, this is where the install/uninstall commands will be specified.

  • Install command
  • Uninstall command
C:\Windows\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\uninstall_vantage_v8\uninstall_all.ps1

Set Device restart behavior to Determine behavior based on return codes.

Program details

In the Requirements section, set the Operating system architecture to 64-bit and Minimum operating system to 1809

Add an additional Registry type requirement rule that will only apply to Lenovo branded systems.


  • Key path
  • Value name
  • Registry key requirement: String comparison

  • Operator: Equals

  • Value


Requirement rule

For the detection rule, a custom script detection will be used. Commercial Vantage depends on these 2 services to run

  • ImControllerService (Not required for ARM-based devices)
  • LenovoVantageService

This sample PowerShell script can be used for detection


If the Store is not blocked in your environment, Vantage will automatically update itself as new versions are released.

# Version of Lenovo Vantage that is being deployed
$DeployedVantageVersion = [version]"10.2501.15.0"

    # Get the path to the most recent VantageService folder under ProgramFiles(x86)
    $vantageServicePath = Get-ChildItem -Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Lenovo\VantageService" -Directory | Select-Object -Last 1

    # Check if the path exists before proceeding
    if ($vantageServicePath)
        # Find LenovoVantageService.exe in the directory
        $vantageServiceFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $vantageServicePath.FullName -Filter "LenovoVantageService.exe" -File -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -Last 1

        if ($vantageServiceFile)
            # Extract the version information
            $serviceVersion = [version]$vantageServiceFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
            $serviceVersion = $null
            Write-Warning "LenovoVantageService.exe was not found."
        $serviceVersion = $null
        Write-Warning "VantageService directory was not found."

    $minServiceVersion = [version]""
    if ($serviceVersion -le $minServiceVersion)
        Write-Output "Lenovo Vantage Service is outdated (found version $serviceVersion, required minimum $minServiceVersion)."
        exit 1
    Write-Output "Failed to retrieve Lenovo Vantage Service version. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    exit 1

# Check for the Lenovo Commercial Vantage APPX package
    $vantagePackage = Get-AppxPackage -Name E046963F.LenovoSettingsforEnterprise -AllUsers -ErrorAction Stop
    $installedVersion = [version]$vantagePackage.Version

    if ($installedVersion -ge $DeployedVantageVersion)
        Write-Output "Lenovo Commercial Vantage APPX package is up-to-date (installed version: $installedVersion, required version: $DeployedVantageVersion)."
        exit 0
        Write-Output "Lenovo Commercial Vantage APPX package is outdated (installed version: $installedVersion, required version: $DeployedVantageVersion)."
        exit 1
    Write-Output "Failed to detect Lenovo Commercial Vantage APPX package. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    exit 1

Detection rules

Click Review and then Save to complete the app creation and content upload to Intune. Once the upload has finished, assign to a group.

Automatically Create the Win32 App

A PowerShell helper script can be used to automatically create the Win32 app using the IntuneWin32App module.

Download the New-CommercialVantageWin32.ps1 and Detect-CommercialVantage.ps1 from my GitHub here.


Track the installation through the IntuneManagementExtension.log

Here we can see the minimum OS version requirement has been met


The additional requirement to check if the system is in fact a Lenovo system is true


Monitoring the AgentExecutor.log, the detection script returns Commercial Vantage is up-to-date
