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Autopilot + Thin Installer = Current Drivers/BIOS/Firmware

Revisiting a solution from 2020 that leverages Lenovo System Update to update drivers during Autopilot which provided a way to ensure devices were up-to-date before handing off to end users.

Fast forward to this 2023 Configuration Manager OSD solution that will update drivers, BIOS, and firmware got me thinking: How awesome would it be to migrate this to Autopilot world and really provide users with completely up-to-date devices right out of the gate?


This solution works best when performing an Autopilot for pre-provisioned deployment. Depending on the number of applicable updates, especially BIOS or firmware, I have seen some systems take ~30 minutes to complete during my testing. As we all know, the goal of Autopilot is for the end user to have a quick and painless experience.


You'll need the following pieces to get started:

  • Current version of Lenovo Thin Installer - Download here
  • Win32 Content Prep tool - Download here
  • Autopilot session detection script:

  • PowerShell script Get-LnvUpdates.ps1 for the magic:


Typically, Update Retriever is used to download updates from the Lenovo Support site to a repository folder on a local drive or network share in which Thin Installer can be configured to search for and install updates from. This solution eliminates the need for Update Retriever and instead will build out the repository locally on the device followed by invoking Thin Installer to handle the installation of applicable updates.

Building the Win32 Applications

Create a folder structure for the source files.

  • C:\IntuneWin32\Source\ThinInstaller\lenovo_thininstaller_1.04.01.0004.exe

  • C:\IntuneWin32\Source\Get-LnvUpdates\Get-LnvUpdates.ps1

Use the Win32 Content Prep tool to create an .intunewin package for Thin Installer and Get-LnvUpdates

IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c "C:\IntuneWin32\Source\ThinInstaller\" -s lenovo_thininstaller_1.04.01.0004.exe -o C:\IntuneWin32\Output -q
IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c "C:\IntuneWin32\Source\Get-LnvUpdates\" -s Get-LnvUpdates.ps1 -o C:\IntuneWin32\Output -q

Adding the Apps

Login to the Intune admin center and add a new Windows app (Win32). Select the lenovo_thininstaller_1.04.01.0004.intunewin app package file.

  • Fill out the required App information fields and any optional fields.
  • For Program information, specify the Install command
lenovo_thininstaller_1.04.01.0004.exe /verysilent /norestart

Since Thin Installer requires no installation and does not write anything to the Registry, simply removing the directory can be used for the Uninstall command

cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\ThinInstaller"
  • Set the Install behavior to System

  • Set the Operating system architecture to 64-bit (you could tick both 32-bit as well but who's still deploying 32-bit Windows?)

  • Set the Minimum operating system to Windows 10 1607 (or whatever OS build you choose)
  • Skip Requirements
  • For Detection rules, choose File for the rule type and specify the following:
    • Path: %ProgramFiles%\Lenovo\ThinInstaller
    • File or folder: ThinInstaller.exe
    • Detection method: File or folder exists
    • Associated with a 32-bit app on 64-bit clients: Yes

Review + save to create the Thin Installer app

Let's create the second app. Repeat the above steps to add a new Win32 app, selecting the Get-LnvUpdates.intunewin app package file.

  • The Install command will be calling the PowerShell script along with a handful of parameters to pass

Depending on your requirements, you can change the values for each parameter. For this solution, I'm essentially "throwing the kitchen sink" at the device so all applicable updates are installed.

powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ".\Get-LnvUpdates.ps1" -PackageTypes "1,2,3,4" -RebootTypes "0,3,5" -RT5toRT3 -Install
  • There's really no need for an Uninstall command but since it's required. Just enter
cmd.exe /c
  • Set the Install behavior to System
  • Set the Device restart behavior to Determine behavior based on return codes. The script will flag Intune for a Soft reboot after the updates have been installed.
  • On the Requirements section, add an additional Script requirement rule, specifying the Detect-AutopilotSession.ps1 file. Since this is intended for Autopilot, we don't want this running post deployment when a user is logged in.
    • Run script as 32-bit process on 64-bit clients: No
    • Run this script using the logged on credentials: No
    • Enfor script signature check: No
    • Select output data type: Boolean
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: Yes
  • For detection rules, we'll add another File rule type.
    • Path: %ProgramFiles%\Lenovo\ThinInstaller\logs
    • File or folder: update_history.txt
    • Detection method: File or folder exists
    • Associated with a 32-bit app on 64-bit clients: Yes

The update_history.txt is generated after Thin Installer has completed the update process.

Review + save to create the app. Once it's created, head back to the properties, add the Thin Installer app we created earlier as a dependency and configure it to Automatically Install.


Deploy the Get Lenovo Updates Win32 app to a device group. Since this is intended for Autopilot devices, I'm going to deploy to a dynamic device group containing all of my Autopilot devices.

You'll also need to adjust the Enrollment Status Page (ESP) settings.

Under the Block device use until required apps are installed if they are assigned to the user/device, add the Get Lenovo Updates app to the list here.


Checking the Results

Prior to resealing the device and handing off to the user, you can review the results of the installation log found under C:\Program Files(x86)\Lenovo\ThinInstaller\logs

On my test device, you can see almost a dozen drivers have been updated, including the BIOS



In a Self-Deploy scenario, you may need to use a Registry requirement rule for detection instead of Detect-AutopilotSession.ps1. The rule type parameters should be as follows:

  • Key path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  • Value name: DefaultUserName
  • Registry key requirement: Select String comparison
  • Operator: Select Equals
  • Value: defaultuser0